Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mystical lady

This LADY is one of the few ladies who have been very close to my heart from the day I have met them. Actually, I don’t even remember the first time I met her.....(it’s too distant a memory). But, who cares about when you meet a person....what actually matters is how long a person is a part of your life....She is one person about whom I can surely say “She is a part of my LIFE, as long as I have a LIFE”.

Yes, she has been a real companion to me right from our childhood days. She has been much more than a friend to me....SHE is my sister, my best friend, my personal philosopher and guide. It seems that God Almighty has tailor-made her to suit me....understand me.....befriend me......

A true child-at-heart kind of a person. She lightens up the whole room with her never-ending laughs. She can change the mood of a party in a jiffy.... Her persona reflects in what she does also. I have known her since she was a small innocent girl ready to open the flood gates of her tear glands, but, the way she has evolved herself as a resilient woman is worthy of high accolades.

A person with very well defined principles and goals....that’s what this MYSTICAL LADY is all about.

Our friendship had started when we didn’t even know the meaning and depth of this feeling. It all started with the need of companionship of a person........ Now, when I look back at all those years that have passed by, I feel an immense sense of gratitude towards this lady. The way this friendship has remained, in both our hearts, through all the ups and downs in both our lives, is amazing. A very pure emotion that has helped me tide over difficult situations in life and has filled my Life with loads and loads of cherished memories........That’s our FRIENDSHIP......

I thank this LADY for bestowing upon me a very rare kind of love and affection...I thank this LADY for making me realise the true meaning of friendship....I would also apologise to this LADY for all the occasions where my irrational behaviour has caused much pain to her......Just want to tell one thing...... “I will be there for you....Today......Tomorrow....and thereafter.......”

Wishing the BEST OF THE BEST for her.....Forever......


  1. the person abt whom u wrote such a lovely tribute , must b a wonderful person, lol i kno she is :) , so r u :).. i hv nvr seen any such deep rooted frndship in real life ever othr than this one.. dnt allow any kind of misunderstanding ruin it ever..if something wrong happens or the frndship gets ruined , it wil b a terrible feeling , may b nt at present situations /circumstances where there r so many things happening/will happen in life bt may b aftr 10-15 yrs from now wen u look bac at life and the mistakes made.. god bless u both ..

  2. Hey,that was simply touching ...Dont know what to say to you, cant express what i feel right now.
    But,just getting the feel that my old priyanka is somehow back, back from some unknown and unpleasant memories.But i love you , i always had, and no matter whatever happens or has happened, iam not going to let you go away from me this time..
    Urs only

  3. human emotions come out better wen written.. so many words remain unspoken , unexplained, its only wen u write u cn pour ur heart out , dts the power of writing ..

    love hs no expressions , so many stuffs remain unsaid , and wen u dnt say something dts happening within , it creates differences n distance .

    open up , speak out and be the way both of u hv been forever...

    cheers to the frndship , the bond, u both shared n will b sharing forever :))) god bless

  4. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

    Thats all I have to say, after reading this.
    Both of you are 'elements' of my heart,and I dont want any 'impurities' around it.
